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What I saw at the HDTV Olympics
Five Observations:
1) Apparently theres an obscure Olympic rule that if your country has an active space program, a flag on the moon, 12 Nuclear carrier battlegroups and a profound respect for human rights that you can't wave your own flag at the olympics. You learn something new every day.
2) I'm struck by the fact that we are in the midst of a war that will determine the future of western civilization, and we are gathered the very place that gave birth the the very concepts that we are fighting for today. Thank god the greeks fought for and built their civilization. We truly stand on the shoulders of giants.
3) While the moslem world strives to lock its women up and turn them into farm animals, our women lead olympic committes that bring the olympics to their countries. Gianna ANGELOPOULOS-DASKALAKI, A hero.
4) I was proud to see Afghanistan and Iraq, but I'm also proud of and for the greeks. Hellas!
5) Now THATS a torch baby!
August 14, 2004 at 12:41 AM in HDTV Olympics | Permalink
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eh, wasn't all that thrilled with the torch.
Posted by: Da Goddess | Aug 16, 2004 11:52:29 PM
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