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Farewell John Kerry!
I had a whole agenda of things I wanted to look up on John Kerry today, and I couldnt get the words to come out. One week after starting my blog, and here I was with a ripping case of "blog-block".
Why? Because I didn't start the blog so I could dig up the obvious on John Kerry. Frankly, its just too easy.
Let's take a look at the score so far. Kerry , who decided for some reason beyond the comprehension of a simpleton like me, has decided that the most important thing to run his campaign on is 4 months of service in Vietnam 35 years ago.
35 years ago! For Gods sake man! Did it occur to you that 35 years was a hell of a long time ago? Do you remember anyone in 1960 running on his war record against the Kaiser in WWI? Did you really think that no one would look into your record? Did you not think or did anyone that works for you not think that you, like almost everyone else in the world, did in fact embellish your resume and tell tales that weren't based on fact, but on the emotions of the time?
Didn't it occur to you even a little bit, that standing up and saluting like a total fob and saying " Reporting for duty" after you sat in front of the Senate in 1971 with a fatigue shirt and long hair and told tales of "Americas war criminals" that somehow the "Band of Brothers" made for TV presentation schtick, might ring a bit hollow?
Here you are, with a 15% polling tailwind from the press reduced to Michael Moore street theatre with Max Cleland doing your dirty work in front of the cameras.
Do you know how non-presidential this looks? Can you do anything else to look more petty, small and dare I say "lawyer-ish".
If you can't take a punch from a guy like Bush, how are you going to deal with Chirac? or the Iranians? or for that matter, all the other Republicans in Congress, who want nothing more in life than to be the one who spills your guts out on the floor.
This is real hardball politics and your response is to go on "The Daily Show"? Really Mr. Kerry, THE DAILY SHOW? Do you hold me and the rest of the American public in such contempt that your first show after the convention is on a cable comedy satire show? It annoys me sir, but you've got to think that it just sizzles the rear ends of the political journalists, and you know what happens when they get mad at you? They will go looking for things to make you look bad. Mark my words sir, the easy stuff about you has come out, when the really ugly stuff comes out, you're going to need a better game than this to stay upright and watertight. How does it help you to alienate the press? You make the statement all the time about how we are supposed to work with our allies, and here you are, in a political campaign annoying your allies for no clear purpose.
Mark my words - The press made you, and the press will break you. Now that you've embarrased them, they will make it their life's work.
There is no President in modern memory who is so universally hated than George W. Bush, and yet, you've never polled outside of the margin of error. Now, the polls are going against you, and by my measurement, its going to get worse, not better from here. Bush is a marathon runner and you are a country club golf cart riding, two caddy golfer. As long as you continue to bring your B game to an A game park, you and your party are going to look fools. At some point, you will begin to see your allies in your party and the press begin to make you the pinata at this party. They will not take the heat for your loss, they will tie a can around your neck and toss you out into the exercise yard for the guards to shoot at. Everyone loves a winner, but no one can stand a loser.
You sir, are a loser. You will go down in history as the man who made Dukakis look good.
I don't really feel sorry for you, frankly you've proven to be everything I've learned to expect from the son of a foreign service officer who was raised in a swiss boarding school, whos personal fortune comes from marrying women from a higher income bracket than himself.
I do feel sorry for Howard Dean and his supporters. I hope you guys understand what you sold your votes out for. Deaniacs, you might not like George W. Bush, but take a look at John Kerry. Bush might be your enemy, but hes not the one who sunk your battleship. The USS Kerry did that for you, and you helped him do it.
Prediction: Mcgovern, Mondale, Dukakis and now Kerry will each get an entry in the hall of fame of losers. 40 states will go for Bush. It will not be a close election.
I hereby swear off blogging about John Kerry.
UPDATE: Some of you have written saying that I should not stop blogging. I have no intention of stopping, I just got started. I've just sworn off "Blogging on Kerry". It's just not right to attack the weak and infirmed.
August 25, 2004 at 09:35 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink
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» Vietnam chickens come home to roost from sisu
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Tracked on Dec 9, 2005 4:44:51 PM
Are there really two more months in this campaign? And will we really have to spend that time re-fighting the Vietnam war insted of other pressing issues, such as, oh, terrorism? Iraq? Anything? The Democratic party did indeed sell out by rejecting Dean or anyone else who really stood for a real platform. People have a right to vote for an alternative, even if that alternative loses. So, anti-war voters deserve a candidate to represent their views. The Dems instead chose someone who is both for and against the war. I think your prediction for the election is a likely outcome. Too bad it won't be the result of a true, honest, valid debate.
Posted by: Eric in Oregon | Aug 26, 2004 12:41:41 AM
Too bad it won't be the result of a true, honest, valid debate.
What is there to debate? Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but Kerry's campaign so far seems to be more of a collection of focus group images and buzz words than a vision of his proposed administration.
If he wants to lead the country shouldn't he be showing us a map of where he wants to go?
Posted by: Warthog | Aug 26, 2004 5:37:17 AM
I always thought that Kerry was the weakest out of all the candidates. I just thought that he would get his game together better than this. This is one sad campaign. I read a comparison this morning between John Kerry and Maj Frank Burns from TV's M*A*S*H. I think that about covered actually.
I'm not a Democrat, but I have much more respect for Dean than I do Kerry. I could actually be convinced to vote for Dean but Kerry is everything I hate about politicians. Dean is a leader. I think Dean is doing a very smart job since the nomination, He's proven to be an active campaigner, and he's been a good soldier. After this election is over and the recriminations begin, Dean will be in a very powerful position, and good for him too.
Posted by: Frank Martin | Aug 26, 2004 7:29:51 AM
This is the dumbest son of a bitch to be nominated since Dukakis.
Posted by: PBRMan | Aug 26, 2004 8:29:41 AM
And isn't that just the saddest thing? This is like one of those prize fights that are hyped for months only to have it end in 40 seconds in the first round after the first punch. Im not a Democrat, But I want a "do over". This isn't even a fair fight.
Posted by: Frank Martin | Aug 26, 2004 8:34:30 AM
I disagree about Dean - he's a wacko who is not above groveling for the hate-America vote by screeching that Bush raised the alert level just to "scare" Americans and to draw attention away from the Democratic Convention. He is supremely irresponsible and opportunistic.
Posted by: WildMonk | Aug 26, 2004 8:35:39 AM
Oh, dear, dear. And you were doing so well!
Posted by: Eracus | Aug 26, 2004 8:39:16 AM
Says a lot about Massachusetts doesn't it? Kerry, Dukakis and Teddy.....
Posted by: Oscar | Aug 26, 2004 8:39:17 AM
I think the rank and file Democrats got the shaft. I wrote something about that, and add the link if you are interested. What concerns me is that it is a loss for the entire electoral system. The PARTY chose the nominee, not Democrats.
Posted by: Mike | Aug 26, 2004 8:39:34 AM
Why say that Kerry isn't an anti-war candidate? He surely was at one time or anothere, just as he is both pro- and anti-abortion, supports Second Amendment rights but is in favor of stricter gun control, wants to lower government's burden on Americans by raising taxes, and favors a strong foreign policy (to be reached by surrendering to al-Sadr, pulling out of Iraq, reducing funding to the armed forces, putting Jimmy Carter in charge of diplomacy, giving nuclear fuel to North Korea, and never never conducting military operations without the express approval of France and Kofi Annan). Face it, the man is a vermin... and the Democratic Party is a pack of lesser vermin for nominating him and for keeping him as a Senator for all these years.
Posted by: DaveP. | Aug 26, 2004 8:45:00 AM
There's a local talk show in Dallas with a parody song:
"They must be smoking Crack in Massachusetts"
Posted by: David R. Block | Aug 26, 2004 8:45:13 AM
Even though i knew what to expect coming from Instapundit that last sentence was absolutely hilarious. Good luck with that, it will be hard to impossible not to blog about John Kerry.
Posted by: Tachyonshuggy | Aug 26, 2004 8:50:18 AM
"Do you remember anyone in 1960 running on his war record against the Kaiser in WWI?"
Too funny!
Posted by: beloml | Aug 26, 2004 8:51:02 AM
Scrappleface has it right today with his usual dose of satire - http://www.scrappleface.com/MT/archives/001813.html
Posted by: Barney McCormick | Aug 26, 2004 8:52:55 AM
"Dean - he's a wacko who is not above groveling for the hate-America vote by screeching that Bush raised the alert level just to "scare" Americans and to draw attention away from the Democratic Convention. He is supremely irresponsible and opportunistic."
Yes, he is all of these things, but he is the candidate the Democrat rank and file wanted. At least with Dean and Bush we could have had an open debate between the pro and anti war factions. As things stand now, if Kerry loses, the Democrat base will think that the loss was because they sold out and went for the "electable" one.
During the primary in New Hampshire there was a house that had a giant Dean sign, it was enormous. They quietly took it down after Dean lost the primary and haven't replaced it with a Kerry sign. I think that pretty much says it all.
Posted by: Yosemite Sam | Aug 26, 2004 8:56:14 AM
Dean is all of those things and more. But the one thing that Dean is that Kerry never will be, is a leader. Dean has the power to inspire people, which is a very powerful thing indeed.
I believe that Dean belives what Dean says, I dont believe Kerry is even aware of what he's saying most of the time.
Posted by: Frank Martin | Aug 26, 2004 9:00:01 AM
I don't think Dean was the candidate the rank-and-file wanted. I think Dean was the candidate that the screechy anti-war 10% of the party wanted. That was born out plainly in the primaries where he lost his ground to Kerry immediatelly.
The rank-and-file wanted the devil they knew, which is so ironic in so many ways that i'll let someone who is better at writing take a stab at it :)
Posted by: tachyonshuggy | Aug 26, 2004 9:01:12 AM
Bush is universally hated but he is leading in the polls???????
Posted by: swodaddy | Aug 26, 2004 9:02:04 AM
"I read a comparison this morning between John Kerry and Maj Frank Burns from TV's M*A*S*H."
Would that be the episode where Frank applies for a Purple Heart for getting a "shell fragment" in his eye ... and Hawkeye points out that it was an EGG shell from breakfast? That was the first thing that popped into my mind when all this hullabaloo started about whether Kerry deserved his medals ... and whether he was just trying to get as many as possible for an early exit.
Posted by: a visitor | Aug 26, 2004 9:04:54 AM
Never mind. Just read the Instapundit link about this.
Posted by: a visitor | Aug 26, 2004 9:09:10 AM
I work 2 blocks from the Fleet Center and the only political leftovers in the area that I've seen are two grafitties, 'F*** Kerry" and " kerry Lies ". I guess he left an impression.
Posted by: pwt | Aug 26, 2004 9:17:36 AM
Great blog. Sorry you're dropping out of the Kerry arena. He's provided us with some great theater. That was marvelous trotting out poor ole Cleland to demand Bush "step up to the plate." Come to think of it, Cleland looks like he's gained a bit of weight lately. Someone needs to tell him to step away from the plate.
Posted by: digitalbrownshirt | Aug 26, 2004 9:23:22 AM
I've said for months the election won't be close, contrary to the impression the media would like to give. We Americans, even hillbilly hicks such as I, aren't that stupid.
Posted by: Jim | Aug 26, 2004 9:24:00 AM
I hereby swear off blogging about John Kerry.
I'll believe it when I see it. Blogging about Kerry (or Bush for that matter) is like picking your nose. It's disgusting. It's unpleasant. It's unnecessary. It's very hard to stop once you've started.
Posted by: Dave Schuler | Aug 26, 2004 9:24:13 AM
I know it's popular to pretend actions that are aged shouldn't matter. We inherited that idea from the Clinton campaign. Bush (41) was just so unpopular, with his "No new taxes!"... well until the Dems really pushed him, that nobody could have lost to him, save for being caught with a live boy or dead girl. Wait, no, they practically caught Clinton with a live girl didn't they? Nevermind. Bush (41) was a terrible campaigner and not so great a presidential figure. And, Clinton was skilled - a great politician. So, now that we know why we overlooked Clinton's obvious personality flaws to avoid four more years of some old dude talking about some "juncture", let's get realistic again. Character matters one big chunk!
Kerry can't keep his lies straight. Cambodia was seared into his memory, only he wasn't there, or maybe he was on a different day or maybe? Then, he thew his medals over the White House fence, or were they the ribbons or perhaps they were somebody's WWII medals instead - who knows, the stories keep changing. Then he admits to war atrocities, only then he thinks maybe that was too strong language, but he stands behind his statements to the Senate where he says everyone all the way up the ranks approved of rape, torture, maiming, killing children, etc. And, that's what is so annoying to those who pay attention.
We knew Clinton lied all the time about all kinds of stuff. We assumed he stuck mostly to lying about his sex life, and hoped he'd be selfish enough to do a half decent job as president just so he'd look good. Some of us believed his sincere lip biting empathy was legitimate, and thought he'd do his best cause he really cared. We all knew he was smart and had the ability to do a decent job as president. And, he didn't do that badly once you forgive him for blowing it on terror and the military. But, Kerry is running on the "Bush is a liar and stuff" campaign mantra. That's not going to fly when you get caught daily in your own fibs. Worse, nobody really believes he can relate to us. Unlike Clinton, who was likewise caught fibbing a lot, Kerry can't give us those puppy-dog eyes and bite his lip cause he really cares. Why? Cause he can't! He can't even fake empathy. It's JFK: Just for Kerry!
This Vietnam thing isn't just ancient history. He accused soldiers and generals of war crimes! His whole political career is based on his bravery in combat and then his heroic part in ending the Vietnam war. In his acceptance speech at his convention, he said he defended America during Vietnam and he'll do it as president. How? Will he protect America by ending the Iraq war the way he helped end Vietnam? Isn't that the part he's so proud of? He visited with the North Viet Cong to encourage them in their peaceful resolution of the conflict WHILE OUR SOLDIERS WERE STILL IN SOUTH VIETNAM (read: win by America's withdrawal) and he continues to align himself with people that don't particularly like America, reaching out to the Mullahs in Iran and European "allies" that slandered the Bush administration while protecting financial windfalls in Iraq's previously corrupt and wicked regime. What Kerry did and what he said after he came back from Vietnam is substantive, even if it does bore everyone under 35.
So, I have to say that the way he's handling this SwiftVets thing is a great test of his character. It's a good example of how he'd lead. We have a president accused by world leaders of being worse than Hitler. He's been maligned by more slanderous communications than any president in recent history - largely from his own people. Michael Moore made an entire movie accusing him of being a lying murderer. And, he's mostly stayed the course and avoided ad hominem attacks on his enemies, even the French. Kerry has completely flipped out over a hand full of ads that most Americans would've never heard about had he not so badly reacted to them.
Posted by: Jason | Aug 26, 2004 9:27:43 AM
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